giovedì 7 gennaio 2016

Lubuntu 16.04 Alpha 1

Lubuntu 16.04 will NOT ship with LXQt. The long-promised perpetually-in-development desktop, a merger of the LXDE and Razor Qt desktop environments, is once again not stable enough to ship by default.
Instead, users of Xenial’s low-power alternative to regular Ubuntu will get the reliable and wholly familiar GTK-based LXDE desktop environment.
While this is good news for stability it does mean there is, once again, precious little beyond miscellaneous bug fixes, development toolchain and toolkit updates, and a small helping of recent-ish package upgrades to talk of.
(Though you can look forward to improved hardware compatibility in Linux Kernel 4.3.x.)
LXQt packages are available in Xenial’s archive however, so if you want to check out the progress of the next-gen desktop (and since other Linux distributions are already shipping it, it’s not a threadbare option) you can do so with a few choice commands in the LXTerminal app.
As Lubuntu LTS releases support PowerPC architectures this alpha is also available for PowerPC users.

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